Monday, February 27, 2012

Unique Wedding Dresses

We have sifted through the unique, weird and plain ugly wedding dresses on the internet to bring you our top picks - enjoy!

 Created with thousands of pieces of paper

A walking crockenbouche

This took 250m of hair, 1500 crytals and 12 underskirts to create


The Wedding Guru's

Please note: These photographs have been compiled from numerous sources including Facebook posts and other web pages. These photographs are not the property of The Wedding Guru's. If you would like any information on contacting the owner of a particular photograph we would be happy to assist.


  1. That’s a great summary, I found your blog page browsing for a related subject matter and came here. I could not find much additional info, so it was good to discover this website.

  2. It is always wise to go for designer wedding dresses, as they are marvelously designed and represent the latest concepts by fashion gurus, who try to revise vintage concepts with something, innovative and contemporary.
    used wedding decor for sale

  3. WOW! That would really be crazy weddings. I believe that the groom would not want to experience wedding once again, which is good, of course! Anyway, wedding is such a big day of our life, I would not disagree with the insane ideas, but to me, would never try that, haha.

    I will be just finding some traditional dreamy wedding dresses, maybe from here:

  4. I wore a red wedding dress myself.
    Of course I didn't let anyone see it with the exception of some bridesmaids that were at the hotel I went to to get dressed. ( we had a beautiful wedding in our own backyard ).

    My husband was ,at the very least just plain shocked, in a good way, he couldn't keep his eyes off of me, and at one point even started crying. Of course that brought tears to MY eyes!!! ttp://
