Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Backup Plans for Outdoor Weddings

So you’ve organised a lavish and beautiful wedding down on the golden sands of an amazing beach where the waves slowly crash to the ground making beautiful sounds perfect for the backdrop of your gorgeous ceremony at the waters edge. Your Bali flags are flapping brilliantly in the subtle wind and your flower laden archway looks like a piece of paradise against the vast water behind it. Doesn’t it sound just perfect?

Well it is until the nasty black cloud hovers overhead and begins to throw nasty big rain drops on your amazingly thought out setting. Yes nature can be very cruel and she doesn’t particularly care about all of the effort you have put in to your special day. Not to all brides: have a outdoor wedding back up plan! 

I write this because recently I performed a ceremony for a couple who had organised the perfect ceremony as described and despite my forewarning that sometimes the weather can change and a backup plan is worthwhile, they didn’t have anything in place.

When it began to rain hard about 20 minutes prior to the ceremony, they were forced to make a decision. Postpone the wedding, Wait out the rain or move venues. Given that they had a reception booked and would run out of time, waiting it out was not an option so they decided to do the only thing possible and ended up moving the ceremony to the Bride’s mother’s back garden under her verandah (rainproof of course!)

So I just wanted to remind everyone as we plan through spring which is notoriously windy and very unpredictable, to HAVE A BACKUP PLAN!

Simply ensuring that you have an alternate and suitable indoor venue will ensure that you are not running for the nearest shelter if the unthinkable happens. No one likes to see a soggy or windblown bride!!

Susan x

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