Friday, April 13, 2012

Best Australian Blogs Comp 2012

Dear readers and blog friends

The Wedding Guru's are sooooo excited to announce that we are entrants in the 'Best Australian Blogs of 2012' competition. You hope you all know how much we have appreciated your loyal support over the last 8 months since we began and we have grown from strength to strength during that time. We honestly couldn't have done it without you all. We have worked really hard to put this site together and we spend a lot of time writing posts, answering questions and sourcing truly insirational photos for you to all be awed by.

So now we have a HUGE favour to ask of you...... If you have ever read one of our posts, appreciated a piece of advice we have given, liked one of our photos or even referred a friend to check out our site then PLEASE vote for us. We are eternally grateful for your support.

People's Choice AwardIn order to vote you simply need to click on the button to the left and then find us alphabetically (got to 'T' for 'The Wedding Guru's'). The only information you will need to fill in is your name and email ( for authenticity). The Sydney Writers Centre who is hosting the competition is a reputable  and professional body so you can be assured it is not going to share your information or bombard you with spam, we promise!

The wedding community is strong and supportive and that's why we love it so much. Thank you in advance and if we become finalists in the 'People's Choice' section it will be all because of you guys.

The Wedding Guru's

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